When I first started doing computer and mobile forensics, I used to keep a handwritten log of my case notes and forensic findings. A short time later, I switched to using text editors like Notepad and Notepad++ to keep my notes in a digital format. The basic concept of these notes was and still is considered to be my “work product” and was never my final report that was given to the client. That is still something completely different.
Now this next part is my own personal opinion and some people may disagree with me - and that is okay! I do not like using ANY forensic tool’s “report” as my final forensic report for the client. Some forensics tools reports are better than others. It can be very convenient to provide a pdf or html report from a tool but it lacks the details behind the meaning or interpretation of the artifacts. A forensic report should take highly technical information and translate it to an easy to read explanation of what happened.